Make an
impact today

By supporting our mission you give the gift of hope !

The Gift Of Knowledge

Our goal at a New Perspective is to help people LEARN how to help THEMSELVES. Your donation is like giving a light to someone lost in a cave. You help them help themselves find their way OUT of the darkness.

A New Perspective is a 501 (c) (3) Non Profit

Why give?

  • Impact

    Donating to charities may seem like a small act, but it can significantly impact the lives of those receiving help

  • Effects

    Your act of kindness will have far-reaching effects, benefiting the recipient of your donation and helping to create a more caring world for us all

  • Outreach

    In addition to benefiting those who receive assistance today, your gift will also positively impact the world of tomorrow. by investing in nonprofit organizations, you are investing in the future of the planet and all its inhabitants

  • Connection

    Helping others builds connections and friendships. These social connections act like a safety net – they provide support and make people feel more connected to the world we all live in.

  • Health

    Functional MRI scans on donors' brains showed that after donating a part of their brains "lit up," or became active, Humans are hard wired for connection. The brain releases feel-good chemicals, like serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin, and endorphins, that can boost one’s mood and feelings of happiness — a sensation commonly referred to as the “warm glow effect” or “helper’s high” ,

  • Stress-less

    Putting others first can help you get outside yourself and focus on things other than your own worries and daily struggles. Doing so may help shift your perspective of your own situation, as well as give you a newfound sense of purpose, which can further alleviate stress, depression, and anxiety


  • Non profits are strictly regulated by the government. The donations go into an account registered under the non profit

  • Donations are used to pay for coaching sessions to help those in need as well as administrative costs

  • Depending on the individual we will offer up to 6 session free

  • All coaches are bound to Client coach confidentiality.

  • Most clients have found a new perspective after 6 sessions and are able to creatively handle lifes bumps. In the rare instance that the client feels they need more support we offer a sliding scale payment plan with all profits filtering back into the non profit